I’m sitting in a restaurant at 2:15 pm Tuesday afternoon. We are 6 hours ahead so it’s 8:15 am in Orlando. I’m in Sitges almost a day before others arrive for the internet ministry conference. So I’m on my own today.
The missionary life of travel is a bit different than tourist travel. I’ve done both. In missionary travel, I am frequently on my own to navigate in a language I don’t understand. Today, I arrived in Barcelona and took 2 trains and a taxi to my hotel in Sitges, about a half-hour south of Barcelona.
Later, I went out for lunch. The following is my humorous experience ordering lunch in Spanish. I thought you’d enjoy it.
I’m glad you could join me for lunch. No one else has arrived for the conference yet so i’m wondering around alone for now.
I just ordered completely in Spanish. I got rissoto something or other for the first course. I recognized rice. I thought “you can’t go wrong with rice.” BUT this rice has little shrimp or prawns. I don’t like shrimp. So that’s what “con gambas” means!
I walked around for an hour, enjoying the sights and looking for a less expensive restaurant. It’s about 65 and partly cloudy.
This restaurant had a “fixed plate menu” that was the most reasonable I found. BUT it was only in Spanish!
If the waiter and I communicated, I’m having filet of sole next. We’ll see!
A “fixed plate menu” is pretty normal in Europe. Choose from several appetizers, several entrees, 2-3 desserts.
I arrived in Barcelona about 7:30. Navigated the 2 trains ok with the help of a lively group of high schoolers who must take the train to school. One thing about being on your own, you have to be willing to ask for help. Often!
Arrived at Sitges train station and got a cab to the hotel. Arrived about 8:30-9 at hotel.
I got my room early. I’ll be sharing with David Oliver from Barcelona when he arrives.
I decided to sleep 3 hours. Then showered. Felt good! I’m feeling really well.
YES! It’s fish! And its good! The flavor is really tasty.
Finished the sole.
I’m having something “caramel” for dessert. I recognized that word. And I ordered café con leche. I hope I remembered correctly from my last trip to Barcelona. It’s what I told the waiter. Where’s my Spanish-speaking son Jonathan when I need him!!!
OK. Dessert is some kind of custard. It’s ok.
I had thought about borrowing a friend’s Rosetta Stone language course this fall to prepare for this trip. Should have.
I had a whole row to myself on the plane. On a 767, that’s only 3 seats. But I lifted the arms up and laid horizontally. It was great! I slept about 3-4 hours of the 7 hour flight.
Well, café con leche is finished. I’ll figure out how to pay and walk around some more. I’ve taken lots of photos.
Thanks for lunch together.
Wow….you’re having this much trouble with Spanish and you live in Florida?! You should really head to the Florida Mall more often. You’ll learn Spanish in no time 🙂