Don’t know if you saw this in Tony Whittaker’s Web Evangelism Bulletin, but I think this is a very good way to build interest in your site and build credibility of providing cutting-edge information on current issues. This would be a good way for content-rich sites to promote their content by connecting it to a survey of what people think are important, and releasing it over time to build readership. What “expert group” would your website users respect? Survey the experts and organize your content around current issues that are important to experts your users would respect. Or survey your users and do the same process using your users’ opinions of what is important.
The news item is reproduced below, and is available online.
Top 10 Issues Facing Today’s Church
We conducted a widespread online study in November/December to garner input from ministry leaders regarding the top issues they regularly encounter. We received 3,750 issues from 1,300+ ministry leaders ranging from England and Australia to all across North America. A weekly focus on each issue begins with Issue #10 on Monday, 7 February. Click here.
After the weekly countdown of all the issues, you will be able to sign up for a PDF report which summarizes them all.
You don’t subscribe to Tony’s excellent publication? You should subscribe today!
Good thoughts. I posted about it on my blog.