“M” had many questions about God. He was returning from two weeks in Columbia visiting his family. He is a senior manager with a major telecommunications company and has lived in the U.S. for over 30 years. As we flew from Atlanta to Dallas, I explored areas where our lives are similar. We both trained as electrical engineers. I am familiar with his company campus in Plano, having friends who work there and having visited the campus. He teaches data security courses at a major university as an adjunct professor. We both think deeply about spiritual things.
“Why would God tell Abraham to kill his son Isaac as proof of his love for him?” “Why would God tell the Israelites to wipe out other nations?”
“M” has knowledge of the Bible from his Catholic education. But he does not personally know the loving God of the Bible. As we continued to talk, I realized there are some barriers in “M’s” mind that need to be bridged as he continues on his journey toward Jesus. I need to become a bridge builder to help him over these barriers.
“M” had not heard of C. S. Lewis nor his book Mere Christianity. With his permission, I sent him a copy with a note about our conversation. I invited him to email me with his thoughts and questions as he reads the book. I am becoming a guide to help him on his journey.
I have been greatly helped in thinking about evangelistic opportunities by training from CoJourners. Understanding the roles of Explorer, Guide, Builder, and Mentor help me sharpen my ability to connect effectively with others.
Our flight did not start out as an evangelistic mission. As we boarded the flight in Orlando, Kay and I were looking forward to meeting grandchild #3, Luke Andrew. The plane pushed back and moved out on the taxiway, then sat. And sat. And sat. It rained hard. Flights were not allowed to depart. The pilot shut down the engines to conserve fuel.
What do you do when you are waiting for two hours and you know you will miss your connecting flight? Henry Blackaby says that what you do next reveals what you believe about God. Is this a time to get mad at the airline? A time to take out your frustration on the attendants? Or a time to recognize that we are on a grand journey that is daily orchestrated by the God of the universe?
We did miss our connecting flight. We were put on standby for the fully loaded 7pm flight to Dallas.
Successfully getting on the flight, I was seated next to “M”. I don’t know how this twist in the journey will turn out, but we are on an exciting journey under God’s sovereignty. Stay tuned…
… and please pray for “M” as he begins reading Mere Christianity. Pray that his eyes are enlightened and his soul is inflamed by the God of the universe.