God loves you. Let that sink in for a minute. The God who created the universe and everything in it…loves you. He has planned a full and meaningful life uniquely designed just for you.
Maybe that surprises you. Maybe you don’t feel loved. Or maybe your life isn’t what you expected.
Maybe you’ve heard that before but never really believed it. But He does love you. And He’s extended an invitation for you to know Him personally.
Maybe you think, “How can I be sure of anything in our unstable world?“
Or maybe you think, I do believe in Jesus, but I still feel stuck. I still have problems. I don’t see the life change I thought I would–I feel powerless to change.
Wherever you are, be honest with God. He can handle it.
We’re on a journey. We’ve found these books helpful on our journey. Maybe they’ll help you on your journey.
The Bible. I’d suggest starting in the book of John.
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
The Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren
The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel
Dear Sir,
I am Mr Naing Htang chosen and appointed by God the Father, God the Son and
God the Holy Spirit as the earthly founder and director of “Saving the hopeless and
helpless ones ministry.” I together with my co-worker work hard to save the
hopeless and helpless ones (the aged, adults, youths and children)around
us. We preach and teach the word of God to the believers as we strengthen
and encourage them, and share the good news of Jesus Christ, the Savior of
the whole world, to the unbelievers. The first step to be close to them is to
teach their children their school lessons freely, and support them some
materials such as exercise books, curriculum, pencils, pens,etc. out of our
love gift given by local christian people. In the long run of our ministry,
we need every one who can come and train us. The below churches are house
churches and never affiliated to any Church, but independent house churches
and their own mini-missions around the place they live.
Especially, we begin ministering the Chin Pong villagers and its vicinity
who are popular with their bewitching others in Kanpelet Township, Chin
State. I have served the Lord for over 9 years without getting any support
until right now. I always go to rural villages of our country (the
countrysides) and meet the faithful servants of God with their families who
serve Him without getting support. They need your encouragements through
the word of God. I am always saddened when I was told about how they serve
the Lord. I have an over- 20- and-30-age group of 10 people who agree to
preach the gospel the rural villages or countrysides of our country where
no Christian has or a few christian have. Many adequate leadership
trainings are needed in Myanmar as well as the servants from remote areas
of our country. If you want to extend your ministry in Myanmar or have a
desire to encourage all of us, you are warmly invited.
The Church with over 30 members now in Mindat Township, Chin state has been
begun in 2005; the Church with over 20 members in Kanpelet Township, Chin
state has been begun in 2007; the Church with over 20members in Saw
Township, Magway Division has been begun in 2007; the two house Churches
with over 10 members in North Dagon, Yangon
Division have been begun in 2010; and the new Church with about 7 members
in Kan Kyi Tauk Township, Ayawaddy Division has been begun in 2011. At the
same time, we further the most wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ through
evangelism, discipleship, and training, education, and humanitarian
projects which give birth to God’s Name be glorified.
“*Saving the hopeless and helpless ones ministry” which a Bible based
ministry and a mission-desired ministry according to Matt. 28: 18-20) gives
priority to rural villages (remote areas or countrysides) of our country;
it brings the True Light of the Gospel to everywhere it doesn’t shine yet;
it plants a church in everywhere a church isn’t planted yet; and works with
the altruistic servants or ministers of God in the rural villages of our
In Myanmar, 90% of the population still believe in Buddhism, and 3% out of
the rest 10% believe in other religions, such as Muslim, Hindu, etc. Even
some Christians out of the rest 7% of the population become Christians in
‘name’ only. That’s why pray for our country.
In the Name of Jesus, may I humbly and respectfully request you to let me
know whether you can co-work with or not.
I am looking forward to hear from you.
In His service,
Naing Htang