Even missionaries do it. I did it last Monday.
We don’t take advantage of opportunities to talk about Jesus.
I have long said that the airline seat assignment system would be God’s appointment system for me. So last Monday, why didn’t I take more initiative to talk with the man from New Zealand about Christ? Flying to Dallas, he was talkative. We talked about the economy (he is deeply concerned). We talked about political instability in Nigeria (he has done business there).
But we didn’t talk about Jesus. And I didn’t even get his name. I was not very friendly or engaged!
After the flight, I talked with God about it. I told him I felt unable to turn the conversation to spiritual things. I haven’t felt that unable in a long time. Kay and I have been traveling together most of the time lately so I’m not engaging another seatmate. I must be out of practice.
So with a renewed dependence on God’s empowering, I took my seat on this morning’s flight home to Orlando.
And I had a wonderful conversation with A—. She grew up an active follower of Jesus and even thought of mission work but has become engrossed in her career since college. She no longer attends church. Her parents have split up. She told me she is drifting.
But in her story, I heard a heart for Jesus. Her eyes danced when she talked about a missionary friend’s emails from Ghana and a college friend’s job in Kenya.
I left her with a challenge—find an accountability partner who will ask her hard questions to help her stop the drift, someone who will hold her accountable to find a group that can feed her soul. I challenged her to save $3000 and join a mission trip to Ghana or Kenya and come back a changed person because she’s seen God at work in a place very different than she’s ever experienced.
To give her something tangible to feed her missionary soul, I showed her the Jesus Film app on my mobile phone with films in hundreds of languages. As we taxied to the terminal, she had already downloaded the app and eagerly showed me the app on HER phone.
A— is reconnecting to a seed God planted many years ago. The worries and cares of the world have been growing and choking it out. My prayer is that the garden tending of yesterday will help the seed to grow and bear fruit.
And once again, the airline seating system provided a divine appointment, as long as I’m willing to talk about Jesus!
Who can you talk about Jesus with today?
Such a sweet story of God’s use of a cracked vessel to pour life back into a soul He’s been pursuing all these years. PTL! What a blessing to be ambassadors for Christ.
Thanks, Keith. Being available and ready is important.