Kay and I shook hands with Bekele, Jerry and Grace. We prayed together, we celebrated over lunch, and we began the next chapter in our ministries … together. Kay and I now serve with the Global Church Movements team.
Global Church Movements, like our previous team, is one of the global teams of Cru and is led by Vice President Bekele Shanko. Kay and I have known Bekele for a number of years. Bekele and Shewaye are originally from Ethiopia. They served as national leaders in Ethiopia and then as area leaders for the ministry in Eastern and Southern Africa. Two years ago they moved to the U.S. to create the Global Church Movements team.
Global Church Movements (GCM) offers training in multiplying discipleship to churches, equipping church members to engage in reaching those around them through praying, caring and sharing. This strategy of multiplication is designed to result in new faith communities being planted, new churches starting, and churches multiplying into every rural village, every suburban neighborhood, and every urban high-rise.
What will we be doing? Keith will coach the area GCM leadership in three African areas, coordinate field strategy globally and also integrate digital into field strategies. Kay’s initial focus is to consolidate and organize the training materials that exist in several languages into a common location. Two years of rapid growth, development, and translation have created many documents.
Team is important to us. We said goodbye to a very special team that journeyed with us for many years. We are now saying hello to a new team. We are excited about the people on our new team. We look forward to this journey together.
Kay and I have not changed our mission. In fact, we feel we are coming full circle. Part of our responsibility is West Africa, where we began 37 years ago. We are very excited to be engaged in a specific field strategy where we can more directly influence the adoption of digital strategies in embracing the amazing opportunities God is giving us today to help everyone know someone who truly follows Jesus.
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